Surprise!! This still works today and might actually be useful if you want to keep your hands on the keyboard. Once that was enabled, your arrow keys would now scroll the page instead of moving a single cell at a time. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that you wanted to scroll the entire page? You could still use the arrow keys to move across a number of cells until the page started scrolling, or you could hit the scroll lock key. Way back when, you would use the arrow keys to move your focus from cell to cell.

Let’s say you were using a spreadsheet program. The scroll lock key changed the behavior of these keys. In the days before the ubiquitous mouse existed, people used the arrow keys on their keyboards to navigate through their favorite programs. When is the last time you used the scroll lock key? What is the scroll lock key? How do you use the scroll lock key? This week’s Quick Tips article will try to answer these burning questions… read on… What Is Scroll Lock Used For? I am well-familiar with the “old days” and even I can’t remember a time I ever used it. Most keyboards still have one although they are slowly disappearing due to atrophy and becoming vestigial parts from a distant past. The scroll lock key can be a mystery to many.